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一线股平凡指股票商场上价钱较高的一类股票,其英文为“first liner stocks”或“first liners”。
这些股票事迹优良或具有精粹的发展出路,股价特出于其他股票。约莫上一线股也等同于绩优股和蓝筹股。如中石油,工商行,招行,宝钢,万科等事迹理解且优良的特大型企业。事迹天然理解,但股性平凡较差。The First Liners are the Index and Blue Chip Stocks. Their price movements are steady and consistent. The slope of their uptrends are usually between 30 to 45 degrees. Examples are Index and Blue Chip Stocks like AC, BPI, MEG, SM, SMC, etc.
二线股是价钱中等的股票,其英文为“second liner stocks”或“second liners”。
这类股票在商场数目最多,二线股的事迹杂乱不皆,但从举座上看,它们的事迹也同股价一体在全体上市公司中居中游,也指总股本相对大盘股来讲较小的蓝筹股。如江西铜业,西山煤电,四川好意思丰,宁沪高速等等,这些股票质料亦然迥殊优秀的,仅仅鸿沟莫得前者大。The Second Liners are stocks with more or less same price movements as the First Liners. The slope of their uptrends are usually between 45 to 60 degrees. Examples are Non-Index stocks like EW, DNL, PGOLD, VLL, HVN, etc.
三线股指价钱便宜的股票,其英文为“third liner stocks”或“third liners”。
三线股多是沪深两市占绝大大都的股票,这些公司大多事迹不好,出路不妙,有的致使如故到了耗损的境地。也有少数上市公司,因为刊行量太大,大要身处夕阳行业,枯竭高速增长的可能,难以塑造出好的投资主见来劝诱投资者。这些公司天然事迹尚可,但股价却徬徨不前主如果形描述色的题材股,ST股等等,这些企业平凡事迹一般,致使常常发生耗损,可是运动盘较小,易于炒作,有着各样各样的炒作题材。The Third Liners are speculative stocks and for lack of a better term are also called “basura.” They usually go on a long period of accumulation. Their trends are usually flat but usually go parabolic when they breakout. Examples are mining and oil companies like BSC, OPM, DIZ, NI, COAL and other companies like ATN, MRC, IS, etc.
In stock investment, novice investors tend to play safe by buying first liner shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Unlike second liner and third liner shares, first liner shares are included in the leading stock category because they are inhabited by blue chip issuers.
Second liner stocks are preferred by traders because they are more volatile in trading, both swing and super trading. In addition, the stock price of this category is also cheaper than the blue chip shares which fall into the first liner category.
转载自:旗渡红蓝律网站 作家:旗渡多语信息中心(出海资讯定制)